Ok, I initially did not want to save a dedicated layout and set it up in the startup prefs, but there is no other way right now if you want DO to reload your "last session" automatically. I still think it would make sense, if DO used it's own tools and would save a layout named "Last Session" or something when exiting. It would glue some things together and expose the layout concept more clear. It is there, why not use it where applicable?
Anyway, for anybody interested..
Here is a first version of the automatic layout saver - read script header for instructions:
Event.Generic_AutoSaveLayout.js.txt (17.2 KB) v0.1 2022-04-15
If things crash very often, it needs fixing for sure, but the situations where DO leaves me hanging are not easily reproducable and most of the time you are in the middle of doing things. In these situation you don't find much time and motivation to retry and file bug reports. I did that in the past and will do so for error situations that can be repeated, but if you ran DO for a full week and then it happens, what am I supposed to replay?
First successful recovery of my DO session happened right now after the computer crashed.
Since having installed MS-Teams on this rather fresh Win7 setup, the computer is broken! Don't install if you can avoid, it has serious issues with USB devices, especially if you use multiple cameras or microphones (on Win7 at least). System was stable for multiple month before installing Teams, now I crash + reboot every few days - a "nice" situation to test drive the automatic layout saver! o)
I actually don't mind DO crashing too much, it never left corrupted things behind (so far), it's just that I lose the context everytime, but this might be fixed now! o) There are other things in the program which drive me really mad, but these are offtopic here. o)
See and thank you! o)