Per the help file, if an argument is marked in the template as /M (multiple) then it returns a Vector containing elements of the appropriate type.
If I pass the following /M argument string to a script function
string "quoted words" prefix"quoted words" "quoted words"suffix
The resultant vector contains:
m(0) = string
m(1) = quoted words
m(2) = prefix"quoted words
m(3) = quoted words"suffix
I would like the option of parsing the argument string to preserve opening and closing quotes so that the resultant vector contains:
m(0) = string
m(1) = "quoted words"
m(2) = prefix"quoted words"
m(3) = quoted words"suffix"
A method of accessing the whole "/M" argument as a single unparsed string would also be handy:
m = string "quoted words" prefix"quoted words" "quoted words"suffix
Regards, AB