Script for copying selected relative file paths list from Flat View

Not sure if someone already made something like this, but I made this script for copying the relative paths of any selected files and folders, like when viewing a directory in flat view mode. It can be used as a button directly or as a User Command with the included argument template.

It has a few variable options:

  • includeCurrentFolderName (True/False): Whether or not to include the name of the current-level folder name as the first part of the relative path
  • prefix (string): Lets you prefix the relative paths with a string or character (such as a backslash) if you want. Or you can set it to a blank string.
  • trailingFolderTerminator (string): Sets which trailing path terminator to add (if any) to the end of full paths of folders (like the 'noterm' modifier). Doesn't apply to files.

You can change the hardcoded values of those variables yourself, or also use arguments when calling the script as a command, in which case the argument values will override the hardcoded values. If no arguments are given the hardcoded values will be used as default.

The respective arguments for those are INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR (switch type, no value taken), PREFIX (string), and FOLDER_TERMINATOR (string).

--- Example Usage ---
Original path in which using flat view mixed mode with folders: C:\Users\Joe\Desktop\Test

Arguments/Settings: Copy_Relative_Paths PREFIX="\" FOLDER_TERMINATOR="\"

\Test Folder\Blah Blah.txt
\Test Folder\

Arguments/Settings: Copy_Relative_Paths INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR PREFIX="\" FOLDER_TERMINATOR="\"

\Test\Test Folder\Blah Blah.txt
\Test\Test Folder\

The Script:

// Copy the list of paths to selected files/folders, relative to current path (such as when using flat view)
// By ThioJoe
// Updated: 6/5/24 (First Version)

//   Argument Template:

function OnClick(clickData)
    // ------- Options (These values will be used if no corresponding argument is specified when calling script --------
    // True/False - Whether or not to include the name of the current-level folder name as the first part of the relative path
    // >  Optional Argument Name: INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR (Switch, no value needed)
    var includeCurrentFolderName = false;
    // This lets you prefix the relative paths with a string or character (such as a backslash) if you want. Or you can set it to a blank string.
    // Remember to escape if necessary (for backslash do two of them like "\\")
    // >  Optional Argument Name: PREFIX (string value)
    var prefix = "\\";
    // Sets which trailing path terminator to add (if any) to the end of full paths of folders (like the 'noterm' modifier). Doesn't apply to files.
    // Just set to empty string if none wanted. Don't forget to escape as necessary (to add a backslash would be like: "\\")
    // >  Optional Argument Name: FOLDER_TERMINATOR (string value)
    var trailingFolderTerminator = "\\";
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Example usage of arguments:
    // Copy_Relative_Paths INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR PREFIX="\" FOLDER_TERM="\" 
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // Parse optional arguments if they're there
    if (clickData.func.args.got_arg.INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR) {
        includeCurrentFolderName = true;
        //DOpus.Output("Received INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR argument");
    if (clickData.func.args.got_arg.PREFIX) {
        prefix = clickData.func.args.PREFIX;
        //DOpus.Output("Received PREFIX argument");
    if (clickData.func.args.got_arg.FOLDER_TERMINATOR) {
        trailingFolderTerminator = clickData.func.args.FOLDER_TERMINATOR;
        //DOpus.Output("Received FOLDER_TERMINATOR argument");

    // For debugging
    //DOpus.Output("Include Current Dir: " + String(clickData.func.args.include_current_dir));
    //DOpus.Output("Prefix: " + String(clickData.func.args.prefix));
    //DOpus.Output("Folder Terminator: " + String(clickData.func.args.folder_terminator));
    var tab = clickData.func.sourcetab;
    var selectedItems = tab.selected;
    var sourcePathDepth = tab.path.Split.count;

    var initialDepth = 0;
    if (includeCurrentFolderName == true) {
        initialDepth = sourcePathDepth-1;
    } else {
        initialDepth = sourcePathDepth;

    // For Debugging
    //DOpus.Output("Source Path: " + tab.path);
    //DOpus.Output("Source Path Depth: " + sourcePathDepth);

    var clipboardText = "";
    for (var i = 0; i < selectedItems.count; i++) {
        var relativePath = DOpus.FSUtil.NewPath();
        finalRelativePathString = prefix + String(relativePath);

        if (selectedItems(i).is_dir) {
            finalRelativePathString += trailingFolderTerminator;
        // For Debugging
        //DOpus.Output("Original Path: " + String(selectedItems(i).realpath));
        //DOpus.Output("Relative Path: " + finalRelativePathString);
        //Add a newline character to the beginning starting after the first line
        if (i > 0) {
            clipboardText += "\n";
        clipboardText += finalRelativePathString;

I have it used in a button that shows up when flat view is enabled like this:

@hideif:!Set flatview=Toggle
Copy_Relative_Paths PREFIX="\" FOLDER_TERMINATOR="\"