Script "hangs" when creating new activexobject

I have a line of code that never finishes on my desktop but is working fine on laptop.

DOpus.Output("creating windows shell");
var windowsShell = new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell');
DOpus.Output("finished creating shell");

"creating windows shell is displayed, but not "finished creating shell"

Any Idea why this is not progressing?

I am having some other weird behavior with opus on that machine, but I don't want to complicate this. I haven't tried reinstalling or Windows Clean install yet. I wanted to check here first.

Either Antivirus is blocking it or the Windows install is broken.

The windows install is probably broken then. Directory opus starts doing all kinds of weird things on that machine after I have been using it for a while. I can't open folders and some other weird stuff. Usually, I can still safely exit the program but sometimes the buttons can't be clicked even though I can still scroll directory with mouse wheel.

I need to do a clean install on that machine anyway. So not a big deal.