Looking for guidance:
I'm trying to create a script to clean filenames with a set of rules. I've been having ChatGPT help me with the scripting which has been usually helpful but it's stuck with this one.
Here are the rules:
I need a directory opus button that will clean the selected filenames with these rules:
Allow only these characters:
- A-Z
- a-z
- 0-9
- &.-
- Spaces
Characters should be replaced as follows:
_ should be replaced with a space
“ should be removed
() should be removed
, should be replaced with a period
Any other character not listed should be replaced with a period.
It gave me this script which is not working.
@script vbscript
Option Explicit
Function OnGetNewName(ByRef getNewNameData)
Dim strFileName, strExtension, strReplacedName, strPattern
' Get the original filename
strFileName = getNewNameData.item.name_stem
strExtension = getNewNameData.item.ext
' Replace characters according to the rules
strReplacedName = Replace(strFileName, "_", " ")
strReplacedName = Replace(strReplacedName, Chr(34), "") ' Remove quotation marks
strReplacedName = Replace(strReplacedName, "(", "") ' Remove left parenthesis
strReplacedName = Replace(strReplacedName, ")", "") ' Remove right parenthesis
strReplacedName = Replace(strReplacedName, "[", "") ' Remove left bracket
strReplacedName = Replace(strReplacedName, "]", "") ' Remove right bracket
strReplacedName = Replace(strReplacedName, ",", ".") ' Replace commas with periods
' Replace all other characters not in the allowed list with a period
strPattern = "[^A-Za-z0-9 &.-]"
strReplacedName = ReplaceCharsWithPeriod(strReplacedName, strPattern)
' Combine the cleaned name with the original extension
OnGetNewName = strReplacedName & strExtension
End Function
Function ReplaceCharsWithPeriod(str, pattern)
Dim regex, matches, match, i
Set regex = new RegExp
regex.Global = True
regex.IgnoreCase = False
regex.Pattern = pattern
Set matches = regex.Execute(str)
For i = matches.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
Set match = matches(i)
str = Left(str, match.FirstIndex) & "." & Mid(str, match.FirstIndex + match.Length + 1)
ReplaceCharsWithPeriod = str
End Function
When I try to run the script from a button nothing happens. No error, nothing. I'm thinking I don't have the script setup right. Here's how the button looks. Any guidance would be most appreciated.