Scripts with minversion don't show

Hi all! o)

Did you ever try to add a script-package and it simply refused to show up in the list of scripts? Even though I'm tight on the update-front, it happens the third time for me now, that the script required a DO version, which was ahead of my installation. After visiting /dopusdata/script addins, removing all scripts, copying them back and forth, checking the log-window (nothing) and getting confused all over, I finally remember that script-version thing and bingo.

Maybe unsupported scripts could somehow show up greyed out, disabled or marked with a hint, to get a clue about why things don't work as expected?
This applies to scripts which (syntax) error as well, as you see nothing of them in the list and people probably don't know why that is. It's the log-window alone giving a hint then on what happens. But the log-windows is not visible normaly and so things may lead to a bit of frustration? o)

Thanks - tbone! o)

I have also had a similar experience. I think it would be good to show the script in the preferences and somehow indicate that it is disabled due to the version number. Including the required version would also be helpful.