Search for folder names with Everything

When using Everything search, can I search for folder names? The current search can only retrieve the file name, and there is no option in the settings that can change.

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Any text you type should search both the path and filename. But to limit to folders you can use


Here is a reference:

It is possible. If you want to search, for example, for a folder named 'VM'

you can use

Find CLEAR QUERYENGINE=everythingglobal QUERY Folders: VM

You can make a template (in an Opus button) leaving out your search term, like

'Find CLEAR QUERYENGINE=everythingglobal QUERY Folders: '

You will need a space before your search term.

I saw your post, Indy. Just added the syntax which works in the Opus search.
And - you're right - we can use the search box, too. I almost forgot that, because i use my assigned search key for that. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you! I know why I couldn't find it, because the folder I was searching for was in NAS, and I mounted it on my computer using SMB. And Everything don't search for it by default, so I cannot find the content.
I added the folders to Options-Indexes-Folders in Everything and the problem was resolved.