SearchEverything: Getting Opus to work with Everything

sorry, that's the result...

New SearchEverything 3.0.0 rewritten from scratch
(only tray tips remain from old version).

Here are the highlights:
[li]Completely rewritten to utilize included Everything.dll enabling direct communication with Everything.exe via IPC[/li]
[li]es.exe is no longer needed[/li]
[li]Instant retrieving of results (although it takes a while for dopus to initialize the collection).[/li]
[li]No more codepage conversions. All (as opposed to everything) is now done in unicode via IPC.[/li][/ul]Funny enough even IPC cannot handle this: :point_up:.
Unfortunately I can't do anything about that without Everything's source code which is not publicly available and its author has not been seen for a while.
You could use something simpler to mark your files like these ★:spades::diamonds::heart::clubs:▲▼

All that's left is to visit the first page and get 3.0.0.

Thanx a lot! All works fine!)))

Well done... Thanks!

I'd like to thank the dopus forum user Dick Pape for notifying me that David Carpenter aka void (the author of everything) is back at
He also released some new beta versions of Everything 1.3.x with exciting new features which include:

[ul][li]Non-administrator mode - does not require admin privileges. Uses indexing instead of NTFS journal which is slower but still usable if needed.[/li]
[li]Non-NTFS drives are now supported - uses the above mentioned indexing on local drives that are not NTFS formatted.[/li]
[li]Network folders - uses indexing on them. Changes from local machine are Watched. Remote changes are not and require Updating. Automatic Update interval is configurable on a per-entry basis.[/li]
[li]File lists - static lists of files that do not change and don't need to be updated. Useful as a media catalog for CDs, DVDs, BDs etc.[/li][/ul]I've tested the current version of Everything and it seems to work with the current version of SE without problems.
Note that at the time being ETP & HTTP functionality is missing for those who need them. David says he plans to add them later.

You can visit the everything forums to discuss everything-related issues.
Also be sure to support the author by donating, or at least drop by and say thanks to show him his work is appreciated.

On a side note:[ul][li]I plan on writing a one-click EFU (Everything File Catalog) generator for dopus (if that makes any sense). I imagine it would be useful to export a flat-view structure as a mini-catalog of sorts.[/li][li]I'm also writing a personal use tool to export catalogs from FileOrganizer to EFU (Everything File Catalogs). Depending on everything's performance with my ~2000 dvd catalogs, if they can be properly searched, and if there is any interest I might release it to the public as well.[/li][/ul]


I am running Win 7 64

I have followed the instructions and added the following button code

<?xml version="1.0"?> Everything #default:find Everything (Dialog) Search Everything for Specified Keyword(s) #default:find @admin C:\Program Files(x86)\Everything\Everything.exe "{dlgstring}" Everything (Clipboard) Search Everything for Current Clipboard Text #default:find @admin C:\Program Files(x86)\Everything\Everything.exe "{clip}" Everything (Program) Starts / Brings Everything to Front #find cd C:\Program Files(x86)\Everything C:\Program Files(x86)\Everything\Everything.exe

However, when I right click on the button and enter a search word I receive the following message

"Windows cannot find " C:\Program Files(x86)\Everything\Everything.exe'' Make sure you typed th name correctly and try again"

What am I doing wrong ?

There should be quotes around C:\Program Files(x86)\Everything\Everything.exe and similar paths with spaces in them.

If it still doesn't work, is that path where you actually have Everything.exe installed?

I am running Win 7 x64 and DOpus x64
Now Everything has x64 build. SearchEverything v3.0.0.0 cannot work with it (Everything v1.3.3.658 x64).

You probably just need to change the path in the command from Program Files(x86) to Program Files.

I changed the path in the command to Program Files.
When clicking the button and inputting the character string, the process "SearchEverything *32" is running, but then it seems nothing happen.

Version (x64) is working fine for me without any changes to SE (in a x64. dopus).
Once again make sure you have @admin on a line before the command to SE inside your dopus button just in case (although a manifest is included in the ES executable to request elevation explicitly).
If you still get no results try running SE from the command-line to see if it helps so we can narrow the possibilities. Meanwhile when I have some free time I will prepare a verbose debug build for further troubleshooting.

I am sure having @admin on a line before the command to SE, but still get no results.
Then I try running SE from cmd line (SearchEverything test), but still no results.

Created a button whilst using the below xml file.
Only part I changed is the path names.

after clicking the "Everything"button and entering a search string (e.g. gpsoft), results are shown:
a) all files, i.e. not based on my search string
b) an error shows up: "Unable to open file list"

(Win7 x64 / Everything v.1.3.3658 (x64) (admittedly, still beta)

Any suggestions?


You probably need to show your version of the button for people to say where the changes went wrong, since the original button seems to work for people.

Okay Leo,

The below is what I used

<?xml version="1.0"?> <button display="both" label_pos="right" separate="yes" type="three_button"> <label>Everything</label> <icon1>#default:find</icon1> <button display="both" icon_size="large" label_pos="right"> <label>Everything (Dialog)</label> <tip>Search Everything for Specified Keyword(s)</tip> <icon1>#default:find</icon1> <function type="normal"> <instruction>@admin</instruction> <instruction>F:\Downloads\Everything-\Everything.exe &quot;{dlgstring}&quot;</instruction> </function> </button> <button display="both" icon_size="large" label_pos="right"> <label>Everything (Clipboard)</label> <tip>Search Everything for Current Clipboard Text</tip> <icon1>#default:find</icon1> <function type="normal"> <instruction>@admin</instruction> <instruction>F:\Downloads\Everything-\Everything.exe &quot;{clip}&quot;</instruction> </function> </button> <button backcol="none" display="both" icon_size="large" label_pos="right" textcol="none"> <label>Everything (Program)</label> <tip>Starts / Brings Everything to Front</tip> <icon1>#find</icon1> <function type="normal"> <instruction>cd F:\Downloads\Everything-</instruction> <instruction>F:\Downloads\Everything-\Everything.exe</instruction> </function> </button> </button>


This error is from everything itself, not from SE.
Your button points to Everything.exe which is incorrect.
It has to point to SearchEverything.exe.

Sorry, was a bit confused, understand that both Everything and SearchEverything should be used.
Dumped both into the same folder and adjusted the path.

It work fine now.



Leo: thanks for the tip (about submitting the xml code)

I have to admit... I'm confused. I have Win 8.1 and Opus 10 and tried to follow the instructions on Page 1. I installed Everything to "C:\Program Files\Everything" then copied the 2 files from SearchEverything.v3.0.0 to that same directory. I apparently don't need the ES file nor the Toolbar Button. I used a Command Prompt to execute "searcheverything --install" and received a successfully registered confirmation. But other than the standard "Search Everything..." within the right click menu which opens the directory inside Everything, nothing I do, including Win+R, opens the results in Opus.

--install is only related to Protocol Handler Functionality. Read about it in the first post.
It does not appear as a menu item or anything.
Win+R -> everything://keywords