Searching Collections?

Sorry for a trivial question, but I have not been able to find an answer.

Is there some way of searching for files and/or folders in a collection?

If it's a "flat" collection -- i.e. no sub-collections -- and you just want to search by name, using a filter will do the job.

For sub-collections or more complex searches, there isn't a good way I can think of. The collections are stored as XML files below the /dopusdata/Collections alias, so could be searched by name via a text editor or similar, if that's any use.

[quote="leo"]If it's a "flat" collection -- i.e. no sub-collections -- and you just want to search by name, using a filter will do the job.
For sub-collections or more complex searches, there isn't a good way I can think of. The collections are stored as XML files below the /dopusdata/Collections alias, so could be searched by name via a text editor or similar, if that's any use.[/quote]

I wanted to search for files and folders in multiple collections, e.g.

Therefore I would like to search from \collections.
I guess this is not possible :frowning:.
Strange, I would have expected this to be an obvious feature!?

I tried your "workaround" and it works although it is a bit difficult.
A. I used dopus to search for the file name (text search) inside all the collections (*.col). In this way I found the collections that contained the file name.
B. Next, I opened the those collections one by one and searched for the actual file.