Try disabling the BoxCryptor icon overlay extension. This will normally only hide the icon overlays and shouldn't affect the rest of the tool's functionality:
Click the Type heading in ShellExView to sort by that column.
Scroll down until you find the Icon Overlay Handler extensions.
Find the one related to BoxCrypter. It's usually in the Extension Name or Description columns, but if not you can scroll right for a Filename column which will tell you the folder they're from.
Right-click the extension(s) and choose the disable option.
Reboot the PC, or use File > Exit Directory Opus.
(Do not just close the window and open a new one, as the extension will still be loaded in the old process. You need to either reboot or force Opus to exit.)
If the problem still happens, it may indicate something more complicated is going on. Please send another dump in that case, while the extension is still disabled.
If it solves the problem, let us know as it may indicate we need to block it in Opus. (Reporting it to BoxCrypter is also a good idea. We cannot see into their component to see or fix what it's doing that makes it hang, but they can. The most we can do is prevent components from being loaded.)
(Edit: Corrected a word in the 2nd last paragraph.)
They've installed four different Icon Overlay handlers for one piece of software? That's unusual.
Yes, start by disabling them all. You can always enable/disable them differently after that to narrow down which one(s) is/are causing the problem if you need to.
I didn't delete the overlays but I did speak with Boxcryptor about the issue and they got back to me yesterday.
They did warn that deleting the overlays would stop me from seeing which files were encrypted and which one weren't and recommended a different solution which I have included below:
'Actually you could delete the overlay icons via Registry, but you won't see then if the files are encrypted or not.
But, before doing this, you could try to modify something in the Boxcryptor app config file.
You must change all "IconHandler" to ""., e.g.: