On my end, I defined different layouts per workflow where you have tabs already opened for the most common tasks and location I use for that workflow (with/without : folder tree, preview pane, metadata pane, single/dual pane, ...). Those layouts are saved and I can call them back in their predefined state whenever I need.
Toolbars : most common customized buttons (scripted or not), menus, are in always visible toolbars top and bottom of listers. Less used toolbars are hidden (for me : drives list, less common but specific action buttons, ...) and have a button to toggle their display, sometimes attached somewhere (sides), sometimes as floating toolbars.
Common places I need to go : either in the tabs of the layouts, or in custom made menus, and most often with an alias defined for it if I want to jump quickly from the keyboard.
For some places I have predefined formats that will help : tab coloring, background image (for instance, backup locations have some kind of a "backup" logo image displayed in the bottom right of the file displays so I know I am in the backup folder and not the source, which can have, or not, its own background image).
On top of that, I have some folder and files "coloring" based on their names and locations (using labels). I try not to use direct label association on files (which are stored in the file system) but rather have rules (which are stored in Opus configuration). On example : every folder starting with TMP_
has a specific label coloring attached so I can see them at a glance when navigating Opus.
Finally, I changed the default context menus to display what common action I use, having the default Windows context menu reachable as a sub-menu of the custom one. Some of the most common file types I use also have specific context menus.
Of course, considering the power of Opus, there are probably many other things I can not think of right now
Hope this helps giving you ideas.