Select ". . ." Filter is not behaving

Reporting that there seem to be problems with the command Select "NoFolders" Filter, where "NoFolders" may be any defined filter.

  1. DeselectNoMatch has no effect in the command Select "NoFolders" Filter DeselectNoMatch
  2. DOpus crashes when a button is run with the two lines:
    Go Refresh
    Select "NoFolders" Filter

If, however, the command is changed to Select *.pdf, with no Filter, neither problem occurs.

I only found the second problem because I was attempting to workaround the first problem. The better workaround is of course:
Select * Deselect
Select "NoFolders" Filter

  1. This has actually never worked in conjunction with FILTER but we'll enable it in the next beta.
  2. I can't reproduce this. Do you get any dump files created?

ON PROBLEM 2: I'll do my best, jon. The question is whether the two-line button:
Go Refresh
Select "" Filter

causes a crash. (The single line Select "" Filter never causes a crash.) I've now found that the situation is quite restricted. It only seems to concern an addin script of mine, which has two script columns (and an irrelevant function):

  • The column TeX displays information about the status of each of the five working files used by PCTeX for each document.
  • The column Hide is not intended for display, but is only to be used in the filter HideTeXWorkingFiles, so that the other four files of the project can be hidden, leaving only one file displayed.

The two on... functions defining the two script columns are written independently. They have some common code snippets, but I haven't worked out the multi- busineses yet. My addin script is not throwing any errors in the log screen. I'm on Windows 10 Pro, which Ver and WinVer report as OS10.0.10586.318 V1511, using DOpus V12.0.5.5976.

Here is the situation as far as I can work it out:

  • If I use a filter that does not involve the addin, there is no crash.
  • If the TeX column is turned off, there is no crash.
  • When the TeX column is turned on and the filter is HideTeXWorkingFiles, DOpus crashes consistently every time.
  • Turning the Hide column on as well does not prevent the crash.

I have two DMP files, which I produced by right-clicking DOpus in the Windows Task Manager and selecting 'Dump', before 'Ending' the DOpus process using Windows Task Manager.

  • The first was produced with the TeX column on and the Hide column off.
  • The second was produced with the both columns on.
    They are 339MB and 267MB respectively, so if you want them, I will need instructions as to how to forward them to you.

If you zip them they should reduce in size quite a lot. But also if you can post the scripts I can see if I can reproduce it with those installed.

Jon, the zipped files are still 115MB and 89.2MB. The DOpus website attempted the upload, but has just told me that the maximum is 40 MiB. Looks like an FTP job.

Attached instead is the JScript addin file 'ProjectFiles.js', zipped because of the extension. I intend to post it soon on the 'Script Buttons & Add-Ins page' as a general method of handling projects with working files rather than a TeX-specific addin, but I'm not sure that it's quite ready yet, so I'm posting it here for now. If you want to play with it, you may need a set of files all with the same filestem, and with extensions .tex, .pdf, .ptp, .dvi and .log.

As I posted before, I suspect that my whole addin system is corrupt in some way. Occasionally DOpus confuses one of the script columns with a different script column from the same addin or from a different addin. I may have to uninstall all the addins and re-install them one at a time, but it's no use doing that until I have to identified some reproducible errors to check against as I add them back in. (3.96 KB)

Google Drive, OneDrive, DropBox are all good for sharing larger files.