Selected folder/file indicator shows wrong values

Hi peeps

I have often seen the below selection status (1st graphic - 1 folder selcted), but with no folders nor files in a selected state.
I use check-box mode for selections, and the below also happens to be in a "locked" tab, if that makes any difference.

This then activates the "Copy", "Move" and other options in the ribbon just beneath it (2nd graphic), making me think that if I erroneously click "move", it may move things that I'm not aware of, or cannot see as selected. If I then click the "Move" or Copy" option, nothing happens, which is correct. But this doesnt solve my problem, because with this status as is, if I make a valid selection, it adds that selection to the original erroneously selected number of folders/files.

2024-07-22 14 39 02

A screenshot where we can see what’s selected/checked, not just the status bar on its own, would help us understand what you’re seeing.