Send files via email works with Opera?

Do I have some machine-specific problems or DO doesn't support emailing files with Opera?


How are you trying to send the mails? Via a menu item Opera adds or via Opus's own email command?

What goes wrong?

Preferences->Misc->Email->mailto: Emulation or MAPI client (tried both)

Simply nothing happens after running the command.

With both settings it seems DO wants mapisvc.inf file but cannot find it.


Anyone else's tested that?


I don't have Opera installed here but I can confirm that both the mailto: and MAPI options work fine with Eudora.

I use Opera all the time - but not it's mail client (is it that "M2" thingy?). Does it otherwise work if you try sending email through Opera without a file attachment? What happens if you run the mailto: command from an Opus button or CLI prompt, does it invoke your Opera mail client? I'm not sure if that invokes the 'same stuff' as Copy SENDMAIL but...

mailto: in CLI gives "Unknown command".
My mail works OK from Opera of course.
