Sequential numbering with negative stepping

Is it possible to use the sequential numbering feature in the rename dialogue with a negative step?

I have some files that are numbered "backward", i.e. the opposite order to the descending sort order of their current names. The step can't be negative in the dialogue.

Sort the file list in the reverse order before opening the Rename dialog.

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Thanks, I was just about to post that I found that work around too.

It's interesting that the sort order in the rename dialogue is independent of the sort order in the lister when it comes to sequential renaming.

It's the opposite. The sort order comes from the lister. (At the time the rename dialog opens. If you then change the sort order in the lister, after the dialog opens, it's too late.)

Yeah, I mean that in the rename dialogue you can change the sort order of the items in the preview list, but it doesn't affect the sequential numbering. That's what threw me off a bit.

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