Some thoughts / questions about the future of this very powerful command...
(Point #4 might be a bug or a misunderstanding on my part, not sure.)
1. It's awesome!!!
2. Changing the Distance to the Screen scenario: Global or Alltabs parameter? How about something like "Set FONTSCALE=100,125,global". The idea would be to apply the magnification to all tabs in both listers (as in "both"), even to tabs that are not yet open. This is for the "remote control" usage, where you change your distance to the screen (taking your keyboard to the couch) and just want everything to be magnified.
3. Changing the Screen scenario: Columns, Tree, Allfonts parameters? This is for the "USB troubleshooting" usage, where you keep the same distance to the screen (unlike point 2), but where the screen changes because you are working on someone else's computer: maybe the resolution changes, maybe the size, maybe both. You could have something like "Set FONTSCALE=100,125,global,columns,tree". The idea here, since at the moment it is not possible to associate font settings with a particular Style or Layout, would be to allow SET FONTSCALE to affect various elements of the interface, letting you quickly change the whole interface to suit a different screen.
===> "Columns" would apply the magnification to the columns' pixel size (from the Folder settings). This may not be useful for the "Changing the Distance" problem, but it could be useful for the "Changing the Screen" problem. This would allow you to shrink or grow the overall look of an entire lister to suit a different screen size. When applying a 125 magnification to both Fonts and Column widths, one might need to be linear and the other square, not sure?
===> "Tree" would apply the magnification to the tree, "Allfonts" would apply it to all the fonts set in Display / Colors and Fonts / Fonts.
Set FONTSCALE=100,125,both. I created this button. When I click repeatedly, the magnification changes, but does not return to the 100 baseline. It looks like the first click goes to 125, then the second click takes it to 156 (125x125), then it toggles 125,156, etc.
Just some thoughts to contribute to the brainstorming about this magnificent new feature.
Thanks a million for introducing it.
#4, I think you have to use 0 rather than 100 to reset to 100%, but we're changing that n the next beta since it didn't allow the size to be reduced to an absolute value. (The docs actually reflect how it will work, now how it works in the current beta.) So for now try using 0 but remember to change the button when the next beta comes out.
This thread by abr gave me another idea to add to the brainstorming in the original post:
In Prefs, check boxes to specify the SET FONTSCALE options for Ctrl-Wheel, e.g. the "both", "global", "columns", "tree" options discussed in original post.
For anyone wanting to replicate the keyboard control in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox (Probably IE as well), create three keyboard shortcuts as below:
Great call, thanks!
Ctrl-0, Ctrl-Plus and Ctrl-Minus are also common in Adobe products such as Photoshop, so that makes loads of sense.
I believe that by default in Opus Ctrl+0 is "create new text document", but lucky me I recently reassigned Ctrl + T to "new Text document", and shifted "new tab" to Ctr-Alt-T, a nice counterpoint to Ctrl-Shift-T to reopen closed tab as in Firefox. In case anyone is interested in those, here they are to save you looking them up:
Ctrl T => FileType NEW=.txt
That's Ctrl-O (letter oh). Ctrl-0 (zero) is currently free by default, I believe. I've made a note add it to the default hotkeys, at least for new configs. It's something I naturally go to press myself.
[quote]We also have a conflict with Ctrl Num + normally assigned to "auto-resize columns".
That seems a great candidate for Control - Spacebar (spacing).[/quote]
It's only Ctrl-Numpad+ that's bound, not Ctrl-+ (really Ctrl-= i.e. unshifted equals key). There's no conflict with Ctrl 0, - and = on the main keyboard, which I think are the keys people normally use to zoom in browsers. (They're what I use, at least.)
Ctrl-Space can't be used as that's a standard key (used by Explorer, and multi-select lists in general) for toggling selection of the current item.
The thread is a tad long and I almost missed defining the Firefox, Chrome, etc. keys above. First, it would nice if in the next update that if those key aren't defined if it would ask you (somehow, somewhere) to assign them. Maybe an embedded script or function somewhere?
Second, it would be exceptional if there was a way to disable the ctrl-mouse scroll button changing the font scale. This can be accomplished in Firefox as setting a zoom.minPercent and zoom.maxPercent (about:config) to 100. I didn't see anything about font scale min and max but that could be an option or just an option to disable the ctrl-mouse scroll button.
Just some thoughts! This is a very neat update all-in-all! I want to say that Directory Opus is, other than my editor, my mostly widely used and best investment in a purchased software application. Having tabs and split windows has made many, fairly simple tasks of just copying files from one place to another, so much easier and less mistake prone. Keep up the great work and I am looking forward to the next updates and even (though it will have a fee to upgrade) version 11!