I have tried to create a button that will set the Lister Title to the value entered in a "dlgstring" (see the image of the Command Editor below). It does nothing. I have tried to open the CLI and enter the SET LISTERTITLE command there, again with no results.
I am running Directory Opus v12.2 Pro.
Would appreciate any help - please be specific about the steps required.
If you're going to enter a title with spaces in it you need to put quotes around the string in the command line. Change it to: [nowrap]Set LISTERTITLE "{dlgstring|Set Lister Title}"[/nowrap]
When using "dlgstring", "Set Lister Title" is the title of the dialogue that is displayed and it works perfectly well with, or without, quotes. I based this on an example that I found within this help system so was hoping that it would work. However, even a plain >> Set LISTERTITLE "A New Lister Title" << command doesn't work.
I have tried using that code in a new button and in the Tools/Opus CLI-Ad Hoc Script Editor - all with the same (non) result.
The quotes aren't there to make the dialog work, they're there to make the command work once the value returned by the dialog is incorporated in the command line.
My first question is: how do you open that "Command:" field that's visible in your first screen shot. I have searched the help file for references to "command" and find nothing that describes like this. Second, are Command entered here (i.e. syntax, etc.) the same as they would be within the Tools/Opus CLI / Ad-Hoc Script Editor?
You can then continue to type the internal command you want to test. You can also recall previous entered commands with the UP arrow. This instant command capability is a very useful feature.
Just as a button and shortcut key. Works perfectly. Used for my new scripts often last days.
For command line - press ">" (Shift + dot).
I discover this after few seconds - I just saw ">" at the beginning of line (in leo's screenshot) so I press that key. Lucky guess but works.
Might help if you give screenshot of a lister before and after this command. I checked few settings that changes lister title but can't find any that can make problems. Any special windows style maybe in system?