Shared Image Blanked Out in "File" Lister Menu


This is strange and becoming irritating.

I found one post regarding this but no answer was offered ... drop+image

I am having the exact same problem on 2 computers.

Only occurring with the "File" drop down in the Lister Menu.

The shared image works for a while, then, apparently at random, the image in the "File" drop down is gone, replaced by solid gray or white.

Thanks in advance for any solution.


Now we have three threads for the same issue. It's much better if all information stays in one place, so I am locking this thread as well.

The original thread is still open: ["File" Drop Down in Lister Menu All Whited Out)

I've just had an idea about this and posted a reply to the original thread. Give it a try and let us know whether it fixes the problem.