Shift F10 Context Menu

Greeting Opus Family
I have a laptop which does not have a context menu key.
Lenovo thing it would seem.
The alternative is Shift-F10 but this seems to give me all the windows explorer context menu items as well
The LHS menu below shows my normal Opus context menu. This pops up with mouse RHS click
RHS menu below shows the context menu that pops up with Shift-F10. Stuff in purple is the unwanted extra items which I think are windows explorer items. How can I get rid of them?

Much appreciate any help...

If shift is held down when a context menu items, it adds extra items. There isn't a way to avoid that if the shift key is down when the menu opens.

A lot of laptops have the context menu key via a Fn + <some other key) combination; often one of the function keys, in my experience, but not always. If not, you might be able to bind one using autohotkey or similar. Or just right-click with the laptop's mousepad.

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