Shortcut-Files (*.lnk) and huge delay while listing files

Hi there.. o)

I noticed for several weeks now, that my "drop everything in here"/"what a mess"-folder took
up to 10 seconds to get displayed in a dopus lister. I have just about 500 files in there right
now, so that cannot be the problem. I tracked that delay down to a shortcut-file, these files
which end with *.lnk.

The file which is linked to by this *.lnk-file is on a remote pc, specified by an UNC path.
The computer where that files resides is down, so the file is not available. Whenever DOpus
comes across this link-file, it takes very long to complete the directory listing. Even if I
isolate that file and put it in its own directory.

MS-Explorer does not delay while listing this file and accessing the directory from another
system over LAN with MS-Explorer does neither. But it does always "hang" when listing with
DO (if that file is local or on a LAN/UNC-path). So it seems Dopus is the "problem" here.
I had a look into the settings, but could not find anything regarding accessing or "touching"
these kind of shortcut-files.

I attach that *.lnk-file in a zip, perhaps you might want to try for yourself ?!.. This even
occured with DO-v9. Don't be scared by the filename, that shortcut was created unintentionally
and contains this path: "\\d$\bin\s\RunBatchInvisible.bat D:\bin\s\startup-sequence.bat".
Again: This is a simple shortcut, there is no batch or script in there!

And yes, I have a "startup-sequence" on my windows machines.. o))

Thank you!.. o)

Shortcut to (839 Bytes)

If you've turned on Preferences / Folders / Folder Behaviour / Sort shortcuts to folders like folders, turn it off (or make sure you don't have shortcuts that point to machines that don't exist).

Turning that "Sort shortcuts to folders like folders" option to off, helps indeed and opus is not
hanging anymore. I did not try this option, because this shortcut does not link to a folder and
I did not expect it to change anything.

Do you think this behaviour is ok the way it is ?! As this is no folder-shortcut and explorer
does not hang on those abandonded shortcuts, one could assume this is some kind of a little
bug to fix ?!Or this has something to do with DOs extended functionality, trying to fetch extra-
information from this type of file which, explorer for example, does not hunt for. I don't know.

But I'm happy again, now that my folder lists as quickly as before, that odd shortcut i banned.

Thank you!.. o)

Opus has no way to know if it points to a folder until it has looked at what it points at.

Ah ok, that explains everything!
Thx for this little, but very helpful information.
