Shortcut key to fit to page / original size in viewer

Is there possibility to define any shortcut key to fit-to-page/grow-to-page/original size in viewer in fullscreen?

Settings > Customize Toolbars > Keys, scroll down to the bottom for a list of viewer hotkeys which can be double-clicked to edit them.

Great! Sorry - I should figure it out by myself.

Hi, id like to do this when viewer is not open in full screen mode. However, when I try the hotkey "F" opus thinks im looking for the letter "F" within file names. I also tried changing the hotkey to "Tab" instead and nothing happens with regards to the viewer pane. I am using Adobe PDF for Vista, if that matters...

To give some context, my main goal is to click on a file and it automatically (default) to fill the width of the screen in the lister viewer pane. I cannot figure out how to do this to save my life so I was experimenting with the hotkey as an alternate solution.

Thanks in advance.

The standalone viewer and lister viewer pane are somewhat different (and also similar in other ways).

Viewer Hotkeys only apply to the standalone viewer.

Lister Hotkeys apply to the lister window, and can modify how the viewer pane within the lister displays things. The command to use would be Show VIEWPANECMD=zoomgrow (or maybe zoomfit depending on what you want.)

I wouldn't advise binding F on its own as a lister hotkey, as then you couldn't search for files starting with F as easily, but if you never use that then you can if you wish.

But, having said all of that, the viewer pane should remember the last most it was in automatically, so you shouldn't need a hotkey for this unless you change modes frequently. There are fit and grow buttons above the viewer pane, next to the = and X icons on the right of it, which let you set it to fit/grow.

Thanks so much. I think the problem lies in that the viewer pane does not remember the last view. Any thoughts?

Are we talking about when displaying normal images, or something else like PDF documents?

pdfs etc.

When I tried creating a new hotkey this is what I got...


The command is Show VIEWPANECMD=zoomgrow not VIEWPANECMD=zoomgrow.

But I don't think it will affect (most) PDF viewers.

How the PDF viewer zooms, and whether it remembers its zoom mode, is largely up to the PDF viewer itself. I think we give it a suggestion, but many of them ignore it, or remember the mode they were last used with. (Depends on the viewer in use, from what I remember.)

So the command is worth a try, but it may not do anything with (some/all) PDF viewers.

Ill try it out, thank you.

When creating the hot key, I want to create a Lister hotkey correct? Also, do I need to input a start point? how do I determine what that would be?

Yes, a lister hotkey.

But you can test whether it will do anything by clicking the fit and grow buttons at the top, and near the right edge, of the viewer pane, which do the same thing.

Probably not, but I'm not sure I understand. For the start of what?