I want to display a drive button to show fixed and removable devices excluding the c,d,e,f & a drive. I also want letters before labels, to hide the drive when it's empty and when I click the button for it to open in a new tab.
This is the code I'm using to try and achieve this.
Go DRIVEBUTTONS=fixed-cdefa,removable,lettersbeforelabels,newtab=normal,hideempty
The problem I've got is that it's not hiding the empty drives. I have my USB connected to the I drive which shows up, but it's also showing my empty card reader slots which are J, K, L & M.
I tried adding a space after each of the comma's like this
Go DRIVEBUTTONS=fixed-cdefa, removable, lettersbeforelabels, newtab=normal, hideempty
This had the effect of hiding the card reader slots but it also hide the I drive which had my USB pen in. So is this a problem with how I space the separate arguments out? Spaces between arguments seem to have an effect so maybe I'm constructing it wrong.
From looking at it it appears the first command should be ok. Maybe try simplifying it to see what the actual problem is. If you change the command to simply Go DRIVEBUTTONS=hideempty are your empty drives correctly hidden? This should indicate whether the issue is with the command structure or other arguments, or if it's some problem on your system preventing empty drives from being identified correctly.
I've changed the button code to Go DRIVEBUTTONS=hideempty and it's hiding my empty card reader slots but it's still hiding the "i" drive which has a usb pen connected. The usb pen shows up in my computer ok.
I tried Go DRIVEBUTTONS=+i and drive shows up fine, but as soon as I add hideempty it just disappears. e.g. Go DRIVEBUTTONS=+i,hideempty.
I'm sure this was working ok in earlier versions (i'm using 9009) they only thing I've added recently in the newtab argument.
I've also just noticed that my CD drive buttons have the opposite problem, they are showing up even when they have no CD in them.
The code I'm using for the CD drivers is Go DRIVEBUTTONS=cdrom,lettersbeforelabels,hideempty,newtab=normal, I've changed it to Go DRIVEBUTTONS=cdrom,hideempty and it still has the problem that the cdrom drive is showing even without a cdrom inserted.
OK the problem I had with the CDrom drives was because I was running a virtual machine in the background and it was interfering with opus, now I've closed it down the CDrom buttons are working ok.
With the usb pen drive problem I've found a combination that works how I want.
Go DRIVEBUTTONS=fixed-cdefa,removable,lettersbeforelabels,hideempty, newtab=normal
The strange thing is I have to put a space after hideempty, to get the newtab argument to work, if I remove the space it doesn't open in a new tab. I know you said I shouldn't have spaces but in but in this case it seems to fix the problem. Is this a bug or should I be constructing this code in a different way?
There are a lot of sites you can find this trick (try searching for "how to hide drives in windows") but thank you for that information.
I always use "computer" folder and I would like to hide optical drives when not in use, but it's not very important to me.