Show library sub-folders separately?

I am testing DOpus in Win 7.
It shows the libaries of win 7 in a wrong way.


I have, in the "libraries" of win 7, under "documents", three "sub-libraries":

  • public documents,
  • my documents (on drive C:) and
  • my documents (on drive D:).
    These are showed correctly in windows explorer, when clicking on "documents", I see their content listed in the same list, buy separately - sequentially (three different sub-libraries, each with its contained folders and files, in the right window of the windows file explorer).

However, when I open the same "documents" library in DOpus, it shows directly the contents of ALL the three sub-libraries listed here above, and they are in the same list (mixed together, instead of grouped sequentially according to the three sub-libraries "public", "C:" and "D:"). So I see for example double names of directories (where one directory belongs to "my documents C:" and the other to "my documents D:"), without knowing which is where. This is not good, as I never know where these directories are and it is disturbing.


Is there a way to avoid this?

Thanks in advance!

See here, but turn the option Jon mentions on instead of off:

For the file display part, add the Location column and group by it to separate the contents by folder. (But the point of Libraries is to merge folders…)

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thank you so much for the lightning fast reply! :slight_smile:
but unfortunately the first option was already "on" (Folder tree/.../show member folders individually).
For your last sentence, I could not find the exact place where to do these settings you mention...

In the meantime I managed to understand what you meant. However, it would have been nice to have the sub-libraries separately, as windows explorer can show them (for the reasons I explained before).

Now I solved the matter by setting "favorites" for each of the documents sub-libraries (documents on C: / on D:) separately.

This works sometimes not ideally, because, when I click on the favorites shortcuts, Opus takes about 10 seconds to open that library... Some other times it opens them immediately...

You can group the folder by location to get the same sort of thing Explorer does.

Or, alternatively, select the individual folders in the tree to see only the files below a particular folder.

yes, indeed!
but grouping the folder/files list by location does not look by far as nice as the grouping that is done by the windows explorer.

and yes, as you suggest and as I wrote, I decided to have direct shortcuts for each of the "sub-libraries"( "my documents in C:" / "my documents in D:" ) and that works fine, but the first time I display them in Opus, it takes 5-10 sec. to show them.

to explain why I'm asking and discussing here:
my file explorer from windows is very slow. I could not find any remedy to that. So, by searching for a good alternate file explorer, I found Opus. Which is great (the only one so far that works flawless and with a nice visual aspect). But I would like to eliminate all possible inconveniences before I buy it.

It shouldn't do, unless one of the drives has spun down or something else is delaying things, which would likely affect all software.

If the C or D drive are spun down and need to spin up, that would delay things.

You also have a network drive in your library, which is not recommended (by us or Microsoft). If that server is unreachable it could cause long delays.

There are other things which can slow down reading folders, but this should be discussed in a separate thread if you want to diagnose that kind of problem, as it's not really related to how libraries are displayed.

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