Show thumbnail of selected folder in viewer pane (folder.jpg e.g.)

Hello! o)

I think this would be useful, the viewer pane is so fricking "dead" when it comes to folders.
I make use of folder.jpg files a lot these times, quickly getting a bigger view of "folder.jpg" in the viewer pane would be very nice, to be able to read text on the "thumbnail" image, which is a full size image most of the time of course.

DO13? 14? minorNext?.. What do you think? o)

The viewer pane would also need a checkbox to toggle folder thumbnail previewing (once its implemented) to not get in the way with other scripts/hotkeys handling the current selection or files being previewed.

Thanks! o)

I'd like that as well, although mostly just to fill up the empty space in that situation.

We might add it in the future, but probably not super-soon as I suspect it would require a lot of changes and testing, since the viewer was designed to not display anything for folders, and the plugin API would also need updating. But it is a good idea.

Here's a way to show the image:

Thank you, I have the manual command/hotkey in place already.. o)