Showing subfolders

Is there a away to show subfolders in directory opus like this:


Which aspect of the screenshot are you looking for?

If you mean the OS X style endless name-only columns for each folder level then no, at least not exactly like that. (There are some potentially similar alternatives but it depends what you want to do.)

Yeah I was looking at how there are different columns that get added on each time you click a folder

So is this possible?

No, OS X style endless name-only columns for each folder level are not possible.

The closest thing to the mac-like view in dopus would be this.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<button backcol="none" display="both" textcol="none">
	<tip>Displays the contents of all sub-folders in the current file display (grouped by location)</tip>
	<function type="normal">
		<instruction>Set FLATVIEW=On,Grouped</instruction>

You probably don't need a custom button/xml for that as buttons for Flat View are in the default toolbars and menus:

But Flat View and the OS X style columns are not that similar.