Simple Keyboard Macro / Hotkey

This might be a stupid question, but I would like to use dopus to manage a simple keyboard macro, so for example, I press SHIFT-ALT-W and it spits out the keyboard sequence "CTRL-V" - UP ARROW - UP ARROW - ENTER

Maybe I'm reading too much into what I see in the hot key editor, but I don't see how I can make that happen. It seems that the hot keys are for doing dopus actions, and not really keyboard macros?

You can do it via scripting and the SendKeys method, but you're right that hotkeys in Opus are primarily for activating internal and external commands and not focused on simulating keyboard input.

What are you trying to do ultimately? i.e. Why do you need that sequence of keys? Are they for input into Opus or something else? There may be a direct way to do what you want without simulating keyboard input (which is often unreliable).

It's a key sequence I need for video editing. I don't want to have to run a separate program just for macros if I don't have to. I guess I will have to script it. Surprising though, I would have thought opus would have this functionality built in.

Opus isn't intended to be a macro/keyboard automation tool, but it's pretty simple to turn it into one if your needs aren't too complex. Here's an example:

Yeah that's easy enough. Thanks!

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