Single click in full row select


If I have in settings "Full row select" in details/power mode then only double click on files or folders will open them. Is it possible to change this behavior that a single click will do it? If not then would it be possible to add this feature to DO?


You should find that option in -> settings -> file display -> mouse, but it might only work for the details mode.

Settings -> file display -> mouse -> single click to open and item... is already selected in preferences and single click is working only if it is not in full row select mode. If Full row select is selected in details/power preferences then if you single click on an item it does not navigate to if it is a folder or does not open an item if it is a file.

Can you please fix this issue, because as an Explorer replacement it is inconsistent with explorer after been configured to open an item using a single click, it is possible to click anywhere on file/folder to open it.

Thank you

Single Click works fine with Full Row here, in Details mode.

Are you using Details mode, or Power mode?

Slight correction: With Full Row selection and Single Click both on in Details mode, Single Click works but you have to click on the file/folder name (the part that becomes underlined).

Would you be able to fix it to make work like in Explorer. In details mode it highlights the whole row and any click on the line will open/navigate to the file/folder.


We will change this in a future version, since what you ask for makes sense. It may not be for a while as the change is tied up with some other work which is not yet ready for release.

A fix is now available in 11.16.1 (beta).

Thank you very much for a fast fix for the Slow loading library folders and for this.