Why Size (auto) show me files in GB even if they are under 1gb?? they are very close to 1gb but not bigger
i see 0,98gb
i thought i could be because the dimensions were checked on the bytes (even if this would be a fail) but it's not the case because i have a file that it's over 1000000 bytes but i see 971MB and it's good....other files are 0,98 or 0,99 gb and it's not what i want to see
I suspect it's to prevent showing values within ranges like 1000 MB to 1023 MB, which would confuse people who aren't aware that the default convention on Windows is 1024 MB = 1 GB and not 1000 MB = 1 GB.
(If you switch Opus to using SI units, the changeover happens at factors of 1000 exactly.)
We could make the changeover points configurable but it seems pretty arbitrary to me. 0.98 GB is as meaningful as 1003 MB, both being "about a gig". Once the file is that large, you don't usually care about a few MB one way or the other (and when you do care about the smaller differences, you'd be using something other than the "auto" column anyway).
Edit: File Explorer's Size column seems fixed to KB no matter what these days, but if you look at its status bar when you select files, it does basically the same thing as the Size (Auto) column in Opus. Presumably for the same reasons.
i don't understand what you are saying. i think you are talking about something else.i mean.,..you talk about the sice but not what i asked. i don't care if both 1003 mb and 0,98gb are the same and "about 1gb"....i want to see 981/2/3etc..mb
There are three conventions for file sizes, all of which Opus supports through Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: [Information Display] file_size_units:
1) "Binary unit, decimal prefix (traditional)"
(The default for Opus, and the standard on Windows in general.)
- 1024 bytes = 1 KB
- (1024*1024) bytes = 11048576 bytes = 1024 KB = 1 MB
- (1024*1024*1024) bytes = 1073741824 bytes = 1024 MB = 1 GB
Consequentially: 1003 MB is less than 1 GB.
But a lot of people have no idea that there aren't exactly 1000 MB in 1 GB.
If we displayed "1003 MB" to people in the Size (Auto) column, a lot of them would be confused and wonder why we hadn't displayed "1.00 GB" instead. We would then get complaints that we didn't switch to GB soon enough. (Instead of complaints that we switched to GB too late. We can't really win!)
So, in this mode, the changeover happens just before 1000 KB, 1000 MB, etc.
2) "Decimal unit, decimal prefix"
- 1000 bytes = 1 KB
- (1000*1000) bytes = 10000000 bytes = 1000 KB = 1 MB
- (1000*1000*1000) bytes = 1000000000 bytes = 1000 MB = 1 GB
In this mode (which the user has to turn on explicitly), the changeover happens at exactly 1000 KB, 1000 MB, etc.
3) "Binary unit, binary prefix"
This is exactly the same as 1 except that the names of the units have an "i" in the middle.
- 1024 bytes = 1 KiB
- (1024*1024) bytes = 11048576 bytes = 1024 KiB = 1 MiB
- (1024*1024*1024) bytes = 1073741824 bytes = 1024 MiB = 1 GiB
None of these are conventions we invented ourselves. People have been getting confused by them, and having religious fights over them, for years.
Feature Request :
Yes please make that possible.
Decimal unit is nice, even if now Directory Opus shows different sizes (not a huge problem) but i don't understand why the decimal unit method shows sizes in the "correct" way when they are close to 1gb and binary doesn't.
I understand that the size is different but it seems that directory opus uses "decimal unit" to choose the unit (MB or GB) but then the uses "binary unit" to show the size.
If "binary unit" is selected, also unit selection should depend by this chice so that if a file is 0,98gb in binary unit, i should see 983mb instead.
I don't think I can explain it any better than I already have in the thread.
another solution, at least for me, would be adding the new column "Dimension (MB)" since we already have bytes and KB (and i don't think someone uses bytes)
I do.
I do, as well.