Slideshow - open directory of displayed image

I found through searching the forums that there is a viewer command to open the directory of a displayed image written as VIEWERCMD=selectfile. But putting this is the slideshow as a button does not produce this effect, or any effect really. Is there a command I can use in the slideshow as a button along the top of the window that I can press that would either A) copy the full path of the displayed image to clipboard, or B) open a new lister window into the directory of the displayed image?

Thanks guys.

Normal commands work in the viewer, and viewer toolbar commands can use codes like {sourcepath} and {filepath} to reference the displayed image, so e.g.

Go "{sourcepath}" NEW to open a new Lister showing the folder
Clipboard COPYNAMES to copy the current image pathname to the clipboard

Dude thank you so much. I suffer from a reoccurring case of dumb sometimes and can't remember basic stuff to save my life. And I always like to let you smart guys flaunt your Opus talent, so I'm doing ya'll a favor really. :blush::+1::+1:

*** Quick modification to above code: the second code for copying the pathname to clipboard should be: Clipboard COPYNAMES . Missed the "Y" in copy. Took me a second to see why it was screwing with me.


The correct command is Show VIEWERCMD=selectfile and it works with slideshows.

It's on the default Viewer toolbar, as the folder icon between the Delete and Link To Lister buttons.

Well, there you have it guys. Verified proof of my dumb diagnosis. In one of my many fits or rages I must have done myself the incredible favor of deleting it. Thanks @Leo once again :crazy_face::crazy_face:

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You might have never had it, if your toolbars date back to an older version. I think it was only added to the defaults a few years ago.

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