I found through searching the forums that there is a viewer command to open the directory of a displayed image written as VIEWERCMD=selectfile. But putting this is the slideshow as a button does not produce this effect, or any effect really. Is there a command I can use in the slideshow as a button along the top of the window that I can press that would either A) copy the full path of the displayed image to clipboard, or B) open a new lister window into the directory of the displayed image?
Normal commands work in the viewer, and viewer toolbar commands can use codes like {sourcepath} and {filepath} to reference the displayed image, so e.g.
Go "{sourcepath}" NEW to open a new Lister showing the folder Clipboard COPYNAMES to copy the current image pathname to the clipboard
Dude thank you so much. I suffer from a reoccurring case of dumb sometimes and can't remember basic stuff to save my life. And I always like to let you smart guys flaunt your Opus talent, so I'm doing ya'll a favor really.
*** Quick modification to above code: the second code for copying the pathname to clipboard should be: Clipboard COPYNAMES . Missed the "Y" in copy. Took me a second to see why it was screwing with me.
Well, there you have it guys. Verified proof of my dumb diagnosis. In one of my many fits or rages I must have done myself the incredible favor of deleting it. Thanks @Leo once again