Any reason that the listers are slow like syrup when i drag them around or resize them much akin to a P2 100mhz.
All other windows are as fast as should be it's just directory opus that when i drag or resize it is slow slow slow,
This is a i7 6700k with a 1080 Nvidia 3gb card and 32gb ram and triple monitors so it's not the specs.
Is there some buffer setting or a feature I have turned on/off or need to toggle. It used to be fast and out of no where bang, slow, having trouble tracking down the cause.
So moving the whole window around, by dragging the titlebar at the top, is slow, but not for any other programs?
I would try doing a clean install in case the problem is somewhere in how Opus is set up at the moment.
To do that, first backup your configuration so you can restore it again later:
Settings > Backup & Restore
After doing a config backup, uninstall Opus via the usual control panel, and reboot at the end when prompted. (The reboot is important.)
Then install Opus (download, if needed but don't restore your configuration yet.
If the problem has gone away, try going to the same folder(s) you were looking at previously to see if the issue is related to the folders rather than the configuration.
If the problem still hasn't come back, try restoring the configuration backup. If it comes back at that point, then we can go into what to look for in the configuration. (Or you can send the config to us, if you wish. Please use a private message if you do, in case there is anything in the config that should not be public.)