I have problem with speed when using SSH FTP. I found few topics with slow copying but I can't resolve the problem. With WINSCP download/upload speed is about 13MB/s and with DO about 720KB/s. I'm still running on evaluation version but I want definitely buy it but I want to solve every problems.
I'm using x64 version. That's maybe the problem. I can't find where can I configure it. Even I can't find where can I increase copy buffer.
I switched from Xplorer2 where my licence ends with 1.X version. I using DO about week.
I just register my evaluation version so I can try DO for 60 days and SSH works. I'm m glad for it because I can try it.
Evaluation licences do enable SFTP, which I did not know until now.
Here's what I meant about WinSCP being set the same as Opus. Check that this is set to "SFTP" and not "SCP", as SCP is sometimes faster (so I'm told) but of the two SSH modes Opus only supports SFTP:
For what it's worth, I did some quick (definitely not scientific or definitive) tests copying to the same host using WinSCP in SFTP and SCP modes and also using Opus. WinSCP seemed about the same speed in both modes. Opus was actually about twice as fast for some reason.
I don't know much about SFTP and SCP but perhaps the protocols are very sensitive to slight differences in buffer size or the way the code works or something, and in my case Opus happens to be a lot faster but in yours it's the opposite.
In Opus, there is an ftp_copy_buffer_size setting in Preferences / Advanced, but it should only affect FTP and not SFTP.
The only setting I can think that might affect SFTP transfer speed is the "Speed" tab in the FTP bookmark window, where you can set speed limits all the time or for certain periods of the day, but presumably you'd know if you had set those.
Thank you very much for reply.
In WINSCP I used SFTP "same" as in DO. I found cache buffer size a tryied to incease but with no affect. And there is no speed limits active. So I will continue testing. But it's really strange that downloading/uploading with DO is 20x slower (on local ethernet network).
Anyway, thank you very much for your time.
I only tried uploading to a remote server which is quite slow so if you're trying over a LAN that may explain why we get opposite results, FWIW. Unfortunately I don't have an SFTP server on my LAN so can only easily try remote servers.