Some DO9 issues with file find


Got the latest evaluation of DO and so far it is very helpful. I know there are tons of features waiting to be discovered but i am really disappointed with find.

  1. I think the help should clearly state the format expected for multiple extensions. At first i tried .o;.dep, etc like i am used to. I then tried all sorts of stuff, failed and opened the help (i rarely use help - i believe simple things like this should be intuitive - perhaps support all the separation types). The help itself wasn't much help as i couldn't clearly see how i should delineate my search criteria. In the end i guessed its separated with spaces and that worked fine.
  2. After finding the files (32,000 files), i wanted to delete them. Holding down shift + delete just popped up a "do you want to send to recycle bin". If i wanted to do that, i wouldn't hold the shift key down. I then tried right click - in one try the dialogue hung and when i closed it DOpus shut down completely (this was before i found i needed to use spaces and used the functional yet cumbersome advanced tab). On the second try, it took about 20 seconds for the right click menu to come up. When it completed the delete it took like 10 seconds of unresponsiveness to return to a clear window (my guess is the window list takes a long time to clear).

That's it for now, i'm sure more annoyances will pop up as i continue to use the software :stuck_out_tongue:

The wildcard format is described in the Pattern Matching Syntax appendix near the end of the manual. The correct format is


and there is a similar example in the manual:

*.(cpp|c|hpp|h) Files with extensions cpp, c, hpp or h.

Do you mean you held Shift and clicked the Delete button on the toolbar, or that you held Shift and pushed the Del key? Or are we talking about Delete on the right-click context menu? Maybe something is missing from the default configuration, but I don't know where to look without knowing which method was used.

Have you set Opus not to use the Recycle Bin by default? I think that reverses what Shift-Delete does.

What do the Simple and Advanced find modes have to do with right-clicking the files? This part didn't make much sense to me.

I think the problem is that when you right-click Opus examines all 32,000 of the files you had selected in order to build the context menu. Technically/strictly, it may have to -- since some context menu handlers examine file contents in order to decide which items to offer -- but, pragmatically, with that many files selected it might make sense for Opus to only feed one file per file-type, even if it does end up being slightly inaccurate in some cases.

If you have that many files selected and don't want to wait for the menu to appear then using the toolbar or hotkeys to perform actions is still instant. I can certainly see, though, that if you regularly deal with tens of thousands of selected files then having to wait after accidentally right-clicking is annoying.