Some files not visible on UNC/network drive

I'm evaluating Opus and find a problem with it not seeing all the files/folders on a network drive or UNC path. Actually, the problem is not specifically with Opus. The server is running XP Pro SP2 (simple and nonsimple file sharing appear to make no difference, and XP Home does not have this problem). The client is running XP Pro or Home (doesn't matter).

The problem is hard to characterize as all files/folders are visible in some folders but not in others. There could be up to 4 files/folders not visible and these are the ones that are lexically ordered before all the others. My workaround is to create dummy folders (up to 4) and naming them so that they are lexically ordered before the existing files/folders (eg, 0000, 0001, 0002, 0003). Then the existing files/folders become visible while the dummy folders are not visible.

This problem appears in just about all file managers that I've tried including Windows explorer. So the problem is not specifically with Opus. However, there is one file manager that does not have this problem--ExplorerXP. I wonder if you guys can figure out what it's doing right to see all files/folders.

The attached screen shots show the before (files not visible in Windows explorer and opus but visible in ExplorerXP) and after (files visible after creating dummy folders). In this example there are three files that were not visible. The after screen shots are posted as a followup since I can only attach three files to this post.


Here are the after screen shots with the original files now visible after creating dummy folders.

Does it only happen when folders have unicode characters in their names?

If you go to one of the affected folders in a command prompt and dir what do you see?

[quote="nudel"]Does it only happen when folders have unicode characters in their names?

If you go to one of the affected folders in a command prompt and dir what do you see?[/quote]

The problem also occurs in folders without unicode character filenames (eg, when I delete the last two files in my example the first three files are still not visible).

Using dir from the command prompt shows all files. I've attached before and after screen shots.
