- After operations to selected files, all the files would be deselected automatically.
- If there was no selected file, many operations would be invalid. For example, before "show" a file, you must select it. When no files selected, would it be possible to use the file inline automatically.
- Could you add an option to use the filter-quicksearch without typing"*"?
- Could power mode (for keyboard user) be used in any mode?
- Could the color of the file selection rectangle be self-defined?
- When quick show pictures in normal folder, the "next" button is invalid unless selecting >1files.
- I'm not sure if you mean this, but commands can have the @nodeselect switch, so you can apply more operations on them
- of course you have to select files in order to preview them. There is no other way, i think. The second part of the question i don't understand.
- if you use the filter field with the parameters autocontent,file,realtime, youcan directly enter partially matches of file names without having to use any »*« wildcard.
- you mean for miniatures & symbols? What sense does it make? You can conveniently select & deselect files in the other modes, so in my opinion it only makes sense in
details like modes, for which we already have the power node. - you should send suggestions to gpsoft.com.au/Support.html, since this is an users forum only. Also please post single topics only, or if it's a bunch of suggestions,
better in the coffeeshop section (i think, there is already a thread adressing the improvement suggestions). - you can set (except for power mode) the listers to always select the first file automatically in -> preferences -> listers -> file display (3rd from the top).
Thanks a lot for your reply. Next time I will follow your reply-5.
2) I mean, for example, when several files had been selected and you applied operations, of course no problem; but when no files had been selected and you applied an operation, it could automatically use the {FileInlinePath} or {FileInSelectionRectanglePath} as an angument.
3) I mean using "Find Field" when typing in display. Now "" means filter mode in quick find field. Could you add an option to set filter mode as defaunt? Then I could type "abc" in display (without using "") to filter.(not in the filter field but in "filter mode in find field")
4) Maybe in your opinion it's non-sense, but it means a lot for keyboard-user. I prefer to using keyboard than mouse operations. Above all, for dopus, maybe it's not very difficult to meet the demand, and then we could select files more conveniently with keyboard(space) only.
One question per thread, please.
We're two replies in and it's already difficult to see which questions still need answering and which are resolved.
I'm so sorry for posting all questions together. En, the questions 1)5)6) have been solved. Next time surely one question pre thread.
[quote="leo"]One question per thread, please.
We're two replies in and it's already difficult to see which questions still need answering and which are resolved.[/quote]
Are you aware that currently typing a character or characters not including "*" scrolls to and selects the first file the name of which starts with the typed character(s)?
Are you aware that currently typing a character or characters not including "*" scrolls to and selects the first file the name of which starts with the typed character(s)?[/quote]
Of course I know that. Just imagine that there are several files in a folder and you want to find one. Obviously "filter-mode in quick find field" is more efficiently than "find-mode in quick find field" because "filter" will keep unwanted files away in your eyesight. Maybe you have get used to the "find-mode in quick find field", you could have a try. Above all, I just want dopus to add an option to set filter-mode in find filed as default or not, so it's just another choice and harmless to your habit.
Have you tried adding a filter box to your toolbar? There's a FAQ with the details near the top of the FAQ list.
Is there a way to use the find field (not the filter box) for showing all files within a folder that start with "ano"? I know, in the filter box I would disable the partial match and type "ano*". However, the find field does seem to only perform partial matches but not exact matches. Typing "ano" within the active lister shows all files that contain "ano".
Any ideas?
THX, W@ng