The sorting on modified date is a bit confusing.
The date is ascending, the time descending and it can be that a date ends up at the wrong place (it is out of sequence)
Below is sorted ascending.
what am I doing wrong?
(simple jpg files, the 22-09-2015 files are mp4)
Columns are just name, size, modified, ext, path length and location. The only column sorted on was modified. It is nothing special.
Now, I just remembered, this happened once or twice in the recent weeks as well.
Whatever I tried, I couldn't get it right. Modified dates were really 'mixed up'.
I then assumed(!) it might had something to do with too many tabs open(?) Or Opus running twice, I don't know. Again, was just a wild guess. So I closed Opus (All tabs + File>Exit) and relaunched. Matter solved. That was back then.