Standard Rename: How to get the filename without extension

Standard Rename panel
File Information Fields - enabled

Old name: .
New Name: bla bla {name}.{ext}

How to get the name without extension

File Information:
Filename={name} includes extension
Shortname={shortname}= same

Feels a bit like a newbie question... :wink:


Or use Regular Expression mode:

Old name: (.+)(..*)

the basename is in \1 and the file extension including the dot is in \2.

Thanks !

Sorry for the delay. I did post yesterday, but apparently something went wrong.

I found this part in the helpfile indeed.

Tried it but one way or the other it doesn't work.

I tried {file|noext}, even copy-pasted the code from the helpfile, but it did not 'translate' into what I'd expected.



[quote="MrC"]Or use Regular Expression mode:

Old name: (.+)(..*)

the basename is in \1 and the file extension including the dot is in \2.[/quote]

As always...
Thanks a lot MrC !

At times one would like to save such renames as a preset, but then again,
often giving such preset a name in 2-3 words is a bit of a problem.. :wink:

Anyway,thanks again.

Try {name|noext} instead of {file|noext}.

I could not get {name|noext} to work, the modifier seem to be ignored. The only way I could get it was via a rename script and using the item.name_stem. MrC's solutions is better.


Already tried those in the beginning of course, but no luck.


Yeah, doesn't work here either. I thought it did but couldn't check at the time.

Variants of {file} definitely won't work as the Rename dialog only uses {name} {ext} and {extdir} for filename parts.

Wildcards or regexps are the normal way to get it, as you've all discovered. (Or item.name_stem in a script, as wowbagger mentioned.)