While thinking about a thread, I found out that there is no example for fsUtil.watchChanges() in the entire forum so I quickly wrote a boilerplate one. It adds 2 commands: cuWatchFolder & cuUnwatchFolder with the same signature PATH/O
cuWatchFolder PATH Y:\
cuUnwatchFolder PATH Y:\
Implement your own logic where it says DO SOMETHING HERE
in OnFilesystemChange()
. Change the flags fdrs
in cuWatchFolder()
as you wish, create a full-blown script, etc.
// @ts-check
/* eslint quotes: ['error', 'single'] */
/* eslint-disable no-inner-declarations */
/* global DOpus Script */
///<reference path="./_DOpusDefinitions.d.ts" />
var DEBUG = false;
function $dbg(/**@type {any}*/str) { if (DEBUG) DOpus.output(str); }
function OnInit(/** @type {DOpusScriptInitData} */ initData) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
initData.name = 'fsUtil.WatchChanges demo';
initData.desc = 'fsUtil.WatchChanges demo';
initData.version = '1.0';
initData.copyright = '© cy - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)';
initData.default_enable = true;
initData.group = 'cy';
initData.desc = 'This script adds 2 commands: cuWatchFolder & cuUnwatchFolder with the same signature PATH/O\n.'
+ 'Use cuWatchFolder PATH Y:\\ or cuUnwatchFolder PATH Y:\\';
var cmd;
cmd = initData.addCommand();
cmd.name = 'cuWatchFolder';
cmd.method = 'cuWatchFolder';
cmd.desc = '';
cmd.label = 'cuWatchFolder';
cmd.template= 'PATH/O';
cmd.icon = 'folder';
cmd = initData.addCommand();
cmd.name = 'cuUnwatchFolder';
cmd.method = 'cuUnwatchFolder';
cmd.desc = '';
cmd.label = 'cuUnwatchFolder';
cmd.template= 'PATH/O';
cmd.icon = 'folder';
function OnFilesystemChange(/** @type {DOpusFilesystemChangeData} */ filesyschangedata) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
$dbg('OnFilesystemChange called');
/** @type {DOpusMap} */
var cache = Script.vars.get('cache');
var path = '';
if (cache.exists(filesyschangedata.id)) {
path = cache.get(filesyschangedata.id);
$dbg('change for watch id: ' + filesyschangedata.id + ', path: ' + path);
} else {
$dbg('got a change event but cannot find id: ' + filesyschangedata.id);
function cuWatchFolder(/** @type {DOpusScriptCommandData} */ cmdData) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
var args = cmdData.func.args;
if (!args.got_arg.PATH) {
var path = '' + args.PATH;
var uniqueid = getUniqueID(path);
if (!Script.vars.exists('cache')) {
Script.vars.set('cache', DOpus.create().map());
/** @type {DOpusMap} */
var cache = Script.vars.get('cache');
if (cache.exists(uniqueid)) {
$dbg('this folder is already being watched by same id: ' + uniqueid + ', path: ' + path);
var errcode = DOpus.fsUtil().watchChanges(uniqueid, path, 'fdrs');
if (errcode) {
$dbg('an error occurred, aborting - error code: ' + errcode);
$dbg('watching path: ' + path + ', id: ' + uniqueid);
cache.set(uniqueid, path);
Script.vars.set('cache', cache);
function cuUnwatchFolder(/** @type {DOpusScriptCommandData} */ cmdData) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
var args = cmdData.func.args;
if (!args.got_arg.PATH) {
var path = '' + args.PATH;
var uniqueid = getUniqueID(path);
if (!Script.vars.exists('cache')) {
// cache not initialized, probably unwatch was triggered before watch - use a popup/dialog if you like
$dbg('cache not initialized, probably no watch running');
/** @type {DOpusMap} */
var cache = Script.vars.get('cache');
if (!cache.exists(uniqueid)) {
$dbg('this folder is not being being watched, path: ' + path);
$dbg('unwatching path: ' + path + ', id: ' + uniqueid);
Script.vars.set('cache', cache);
function getUniqueID(/** @type {string} */ str) {
var blob = DOpus.create().blob();
return '' + DOpus.fsUtil().hash(blob, 'md5');