Status Bar codes spacing?

pourquoi y a t'il tout cet espace

voici le code

{i:dir} {sdL} / {tdL} {i:file} {sfL} / {tfL} {h!L} <#FF0000><b>{hiL} hidden</b></#> {h!L} {h!L} {smp3L} /{h!L}{h!L} {tmp3L} {h!L} {sbaL} / {tbaL} {h!L} {dfL} {bgL+w=50,f=2,g=3,t=n,c1=#68f040,c2=#f06840} {h!L}{rleft-} {i:dir} {sdR} / {tdR} {i:file} {sfR} / {tfR} {h!R} <#FF0000><b>{hiR} hidden</b></#> {h!R} {h!R} {smp3R} /{h!R}{h!R} {tmp3R} {h!R} {sbaR} / {tbaR} {rpad} {h!R} {dfR} {bgR+w=50,f=2,g=3,t=n,c1=#68f040,c2=#f06840}{h!R}

That's what {rleft-} does; makes things use up the remaining space on the left, while also making them right-aligned.

Use {rleft} instead if want the same thing but left-aligned.

j'aimerais arriver a avoir les infos sous les colonnes et pas sous l'arborescence

I would get to have information in the columns and not under the tree


Use {wtree} to make a part the same width as the left folder tree.

{wtree} {i:dir} {sdL} / {tdL} {i:file} {sfL} / {tfL} {h!L} <#FF0000><b>{hiL} hidden</b></#> {h!L} {h!L} {smp3L} /{h!L}{h!L} {tmp3L} {h!L} {sbaL} / {tbaL} {h!L} {dfL} {bgL+w=50,f=2,g=3,t=n,c1=#68f040,c2=#f06840} {h!L}{rleft} {i:dir} {sdR} / {tdR} {i:file} {sfR} / {tfR} {h!R} <#FF0000><b>{hiR} hidden</b></#> {h!R} {h!R} {smp3R} /{h!R}{h!R} {tmp3R} {h!R} {sbaR} / {tbaR} {rpad} {h!R} {dfR} {bgR+w=50,f=2,g=3,t=n,c1=#68f040,c2=#f06840}{h!R}

merci thanks