Status Bar location on dual listers

Is there any way to align the left status bar away from the folder tree, so it looks the same as the right display instead of under the folder tree?

When editing the status bar, using {wtree} or {rtree} on the line before the part you want under the left file display should get what you want.

As always, you rock Leo. Thank you

Completed and added my code below for future users.

{i:dir}  {sd} / {td} 
{i:file}  {sf} / {tf} 
{h!} <#FF0000><b>{hi} hidden</b></#> {h!}
{h!} <#008800><b>{hse}</b></#> {h!}
 {sba} / {tba} {rpad}
{h!} {ls} {h!}
{h!} {df} {bg+w=50,f=2,g=3,t=n,c1=#68f040,c2=#f06840}{h!}

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