Strange Icon Appearance

I'm getting random results when making icons for buttons.

See that this icon is off center but I checked and it's cropped perfectly center.
Icon 1

When I convert it from a windows icon to a png it is corrected.

See this png logo. When on a toolbar it seems to have alpha channel padding around it:

But look that its crop is butted up to the image, so there is no added alpha channel padding around it.

That pic when it is on this toolbar keeps it vertically centered:

But if I remove it from the toolbar the rest of the icons get pushed up to the top, vertically asymmetrical. Strange.
Off Center

The button is probably configured to show a label, and to place it on the left of the icon.

There's no asymmetry. The whole toolbar is shorter, since you removed the only thing that was taller than all the other elements.

It looks like you have a second file display toolbar under the main one, which makes things look asymmetrical in the screenshot. Most of it is cropped out, but if you zoom in you can see the dividing line between the two toolbars. The top toolbar has the same amount of space above and below it, and the extra space is a second toolbar underneath, at least as far as I can tell from the cropped screenshot.

Here's the full view of it.

When the offending 'Search' icon is on the top row:

Then when it's moved down to the second row. It make the second row taller and forces the first row out of alignment:

Oh I see. There is a faint line I didn't see before. It's not out of alignment. The blue colour on the second row is the same as the first one, making it look blended. Sorry.

Maybe you should have used your magnifying glass :grin:


:angry: real funny

Did you know SysInternals ZoomIt! has a live zoom that can be invoked with a hotkey. Can auto start with windows, running in the background, no taskbar icon. You can put the global hotkey on an HID device, such as this here Scrolli Boii

So anywhere you push one button and you have Ctrl up/down zoom levels but you can still use your mouse. :grinning:

There's definitely something going on with the toolbars.
I zoomed it in this time. And selected one to make its perimeter box appear to make it easier to see. If you click on this pic it will enlarge to the size I set it to.

The icons are all vertically off center. This is happening in all my toolbars. I'm not seeing any padding options for it. If I put a large icon in there it will adjust them to fit the new larger height, and that it does correctly. But when they are all small icons they are crookedy. Some of the icons like the tags, you can see they are to the side of their box too. The menu is set to open above it.

Try putting a blank label in it.
Check Show Label and leave the text blank.


Can you post the icons for us to try?

It's above.
In between where Leo was giving me wrong answers and you were making fun of me. :sweat_smile:

But the problem is the toolbars. I have three toolbars and they all have the same issue.
Even the listers butt up small icons to the top instead of being center.

I'm not seeing a post with the offending images helpfully attached for us to download and try, sorry.

Here is the "tag" logo I'm currently talking about.
Tag Logo Purple

The other one I mentioned was the magnifying glass one.
I'll have to figure out how to post a button on here.

This is the button. Otherwise right click save to get the picture? It's a png, so it should be the same. I'm not seeing an attachment button on here.
Set.dcf (543 Bytes)

The only button inside your Set.dcf has the label turned on and the icon turned off:

Oops, that might be because I was testing it out from David's suggestions and forgot to put it back before posting it here.

This is the button I posted here, how it is set up:

My buttons are almost all menus, three-buttons, or menu buttons.
Same set up. Show Image small. Do not show label. Where to open the menu is usually default.

Please provide the full toolbar (.dop file from the /buttons alias/directory) and all the icons it uses if you want us to look at it.