Earlier today i needed to check my IIS log (development workstation running PWS under xp pro) so I used a shortcut to navigate to the system's logfile:
Start | Run | logfiles
Opus opened a window and said it was viewing C:\WINDOWS\system32\Logfiles. I clicked down to W3SVC1 which should hold my current IIS logs. But the files in there weren't current...they showed old files that were appearently created under this workstation's orginal name (A few months ago I used the System Information/Properties to rename the 'Full computer name'.)
I manually navigated to the same system log folder... C:\WINDOWS\system32\Logfiles then to W3SVC1 and I see my current logs.
Point is I'm using 2 different methods (direct folder navigating vs. Run | logfiles) to get to what the system (or is it Opus) is telling me is the same folder. But the contents are completely different.
Probably this falls under the same kinda deal as 'My Documents'; My Pictures and such...but I now I wonder ... umm...well... if there's other stuff I should know about my system. (which, said out loud, sounds really dumb...[shrug]).