Style switching oddness

I think I have identified an issue with Style switching which prevents Navigation Lock for certain kinds of Styles from working properly. Here is what I see:

Let's say I have defined

  • a "Default" style (tree plus two file panes, possibly several tabs in each of the panes),
  • a "Pictures" style (tree plus two panes with Navigation Lock AND Format Lock on, first pane has one tab showing My Pictures folder in Details view, second has one tab, same folder, in Thumbnails mode, we also have both the Preview and the Metadata panes on in vertical style),
  • and a "Music" Style (same as "Pictures" style, but file panes open the My Music folder).
    The Tabs fields in the Music and Pictures style definitions are empty, but the Folder box is checked and set appropriately.

First issue:
I start in the Default style, and switch to the Music style, say. Looks like all is fine, however, I notice that the Back buttons for the tabs are now active, and show a history that would allow me to go back to the location of the first tab in the previous style. This is not a big problem, and it may even be the desired behavior sometimes, but I feel that it's often undesirable: When the new style opens, I may want to start with a "clean slate" history-wise, with the previous tabs' history gone, and the new tab in the new style should start with no history. I feel there should at least be an option to discard previous histories when the style is changed. I note that, when I have tabs defined in the new style, and even if the box to "Close existing tabs" is checked, then the "new" tab in the new style still inherits the history of the previous tab. This is clearly inconsistent in this case. The new tab should not have any history. Other than cosmetics, I have a hunch that this is what may cause an issue down the road, see below.

Second issue:
Let's switch to the Pictures style from there. Now there's a problem: The second pane in the lister complains about being out of sync, even though the folders are correctly synced. If I reset the sync position things work fine again, but that should not be necessary. When I now switch back to the Music folder, I'll get the out-of-sync warning again. Every time I switch back and forth between Pictures and Music styles, I'll see the sync warning. I can get rid of that by first switching back to the Default style, and switch to either Pictures or Music from there. My guess is that it may be the history updates that happen during Style switching that are confusing Opus here.

I'm guessing a library is involved on either side here?

If so that should be fixed in out very soon.

No, no libraries. All of the tabs and panes involved in the above open straightforward filesystem folders. I should add that, depending on how exactly various options are set in the Style definition dialog, all sorts of other strange things happen. For example, if I try to force a certain format in the Details pane of my Pictures or Music styles, then all of a sudden the folders never sync properly. For now I have therefore simply given up on using styles for this, and I just load layouts for each of these cases that are set to close the existing lister. That's a lot less elegant, but at least things work.

Maybe it's something specific to something you've set in the style(s)... Care to zip up the contents of the /dopusdata\ListerStyles folder (has your styles definition files in it) to test with?