Sudo Change in DO

Hello all,

I use WinSCP for a number of reasons, but I am trying to migrate to DO for SFTP functionality. One thing that WinSCP allows me to do is to send a command after I login. I use this to do a sudo -s on the servers that I need to use elevated privileges. Can I do the same with DO?


Untested, but a button/hotkey/etc. which runs something this may do what you want:


It might be possible to automate sending it via a script, but I'd check that it works at all with your server first.

Thanks Leo...I will test and provide results here.


Quick question on this, from another angle. Can I specify in the DO FTP functionality where from SFTP executable is located? If yes I can then prepend the sudo there. For example WinSCP allows me the following via their SFTP environment directive: sudo su -c /bin/sftp-server.


No idea, sorry.