Suggestion: change the group order for ISO

When i group photos by ISO, i get a strictly numerical sorting: 100, 1250, 160, 1600, 200, etc.
It would make more sense for this category to have it grouped the following way: 100, 160, 200, 1250, 1600, etc.,
taking the number of digits in account.

That's a general issue with sorting numbers.


'twould be nice to have "intelligent" number sorting.

That can already be done. Look for "Numeric order filename sorting" under Folder Formats.! ... ormats.htm

Sorry, that might not be what abr is looking for since he's talking about groups. :slight_smile:

No, it´s allright. It´s related, because the wrong sorting leads to wrong grouping. That means, that three digit ISOs are supposed
to be of higher quality than four digit ones. So actually i asked for "descending" sorting/grouping of image qualities. :smiley:

Thanks, will be fixed in the next beta.
