Many, many times, I need to use a file name in some way: list it in a document, enter it on the command line, etc. It would be extremely convenient to just right-click on a file name in a lister and select "Copy filename". Also, because sometimes one wants the extension and sometimes not, there should be two forms of the command: one copying just the file name, and one copying the filename with the extension.
Possible context menu verbage:
Copy filename, Copy filename.ext
I like the common case to be copy without extension because more often than not, I need just the filename (think RENAMING FILES to something similar to another file name!).
And, why stop there? If multiple files are selected, right-click and choose "Copy filenames" or "Copy filenames.ext", then paste where you wish to. ("Paste as list", to optionally get carriage returns after each filename?).