Hi, a simple suggestion: Ctrl+uparrow and Ctrl+downarrow should scroll the lister vertically.
To be specific here is the behaviour I am imagining:
Ctrl+downarrow moves the selection cursor down one line (i.e. to the next file) AND scrolls the lister's contents upwards one line.
Ctrl+uparrow moves the selection cursor up one line (i.e. to the previous file) AND scrolls the lister's contents downwards one line.
The result is that when you hold down Ctrl while using up-arrow and down-arrow, the file list scrolls within the lister, and the selection cursor stays in the same relative position. Conceptually it's like locking the selection cursor at its current position (vertically) within the lister, so that up-arrow and down-arrow force the list itself to scroll "behind" the lister (and the selection cursor, which is locked to it).
If there is no more content to scroll, then the up/downarrow could be treated as if Ctrl was not pressed.
BTW there is a precedent for this key combination convention. The Notepad++ text editor uses Ctrl+uparrow and Ctrl+downarrow in a comparable way, and I think that convention came from another popular editor. So other users might also find it intuitive. I found it very easy to get used to, when I started using Notepad++.
Something along those lines would make sense, but not Ctrl-Up/Down, as that already does something slightly different (and which is standard in file managers and other list controls): Moves the keyboard focus (without modifying the selection).
If you want to send some kind of feature suggestion in, use the GPSoftware Support link in my sig,
Leo, thanks for your reply.
I'm disappointed that Ctrl+uparrow and Ctrl+downarrow aren't available for this function, since that's the key combination I naturally use.
In my experience, the main reason for wanting to scroll the lister like this is to see the file names that are "coming up" while moving down through the lister. Often, the selection cursor gets to the bottom line of the lister, and I can't see what files are "below" it. I have to down-arrow a few times, to see the filenames "ahead" of where I'm up to, then up-arrow to get back to where I was before. I find that this gets pretty irritating.
Another way to avoid this problem would be to scroll the lister before the cursor reaches the top or bottom, by specifying a number of "downwards scroll context lines" (that's the best term I can come up with) of, say, 3 lines. When the cursor is within 3 lines of the bottom, moving further down would scroll the lister (unless there are no more lines to scroll), so the "next 3" files are always visible. A similar setting for the upwards direction would probably be useful too.
Is this a reasonable suggestion?