Support for horizontal padding

It would be nice to have an option for horizontal padding between lister beginning and the actual list of files.
This way user can click on the free space and open background's context menu (consider a situation where there is no vertical space between items in the list + full item row is selected on hover). currently the only way (as far as I know) to open that menu is to grow the window width and look at the free space on the right side. this is not always comfortable/appliable.
Actually it'd be nice to have horizontal padding for both left & right sides, so there is always a free space even with long file names in whatever side user wants.

You can right-click the status bar to open the same menu. (Just avoid right-clicking the hidden count or format lock, as those have their own context menus.)

Right-clicking file display border/toolbar buttons on the right also works (e.g. the copy/swap/close buttons).

thanks for the hint, however status bar is on the bottom, this is still very far from the command buttons (back/forward/up) where the mouse is usually over when travelling through file system.
lister control buttons are as well on the right side of the window.

so I think it wouldn't harm to have some optional free space on the sides. but obviously low-priority, understandable.

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Does this help? Blank / Spacer Column

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nice one for visual effect but it isn't exactly what is needed, since this empty column still selects item when hovered.


Change this to "Filename only" or "Full width of the Name column".


I still want items to be selectable with other visible columns.

The main menus contain most of the same items, and anything missing from them can be copied across while in Customize mode.

Would those work better? In effect you already have part of the window which can always be clicked on to access the commands in that context menu, even with full row selection and a full file display.

not quite sure I understood you. do you mean to copy the items from background menu on toolbar/main menu?

btw, I didn't pay attention earlier but actually Explorer does the same thing by-default:

the first column (not necessarily Name) has padding.

Yes, except that most of them are already in the main toolbars and menus.

I think this may not be intuitive / comfortable enough, plus can depend on menu/toolbars arrangement.

but nevermind that actually, I'll give 'Full width of the Name column' option a second try, maybe I'll get used to it. +that script for blank column is now a perfect solution as well, since it's no longer selectable.

Toolbars and menus seem better than having to click a tiny sliver of vertical space, at least.

Personally, I like the full name column selection option, as it makes selection easier without making deselection harder like full row does.

You can use grid lines or alternating row colors to help see across rows and avoid mixing up adjacent values (although I don’t use those personally).

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