Svenska - Swedish (Sweden)
Please report any problems with the translation here.
Svenska - Swedish (Sweden)
Please report any problems with the translation here.
Hello, I found a small translation error in the Copy status window.
I guess the text marked in red says "Remaining" in English. The current translation means "Renaming".
A correct translation in this context should be "återstår".
Thanks. I've fixed this in the 12.0.9 Beta due out later today.
I've got a question for all Swedish users.
The line:
I&gnore junctions and softlinks when calculating folder sizes
was hard for me to understand and i asked Greg what it did. Did not give a clue on how to translate this line. But i translated it into:
I&gnorera korsningar och mjuklänkar vid beräkning av mappstorlekar
Med hjälp av Google translate!
You who knows what this does or just have another suggestion for a better translation, please mail me.
Thanks in advance!
While I can't help with the Swedish side of things, I can clarify what the new option means.
Junctions and softlinks are ways to make something which looks and generally functions like a normal folder, but it really points to another folder in a different place. So when you go inside that folder, you are really being diverted to another folder behind the scenes.
When calculating folder sizes (e.g. Edit > Calculate Folder Sizes), Opus would normally go inside of any junctions/softlinks and include their sizes in the calculation. (That's what you want if you are going to copy everything to a new place as normal files & folders, and want to know how much space is needed in the destination.)
If the new option is turned off, Opus will skip the junctions/softlinks and not count the size of what is inside them. (That's what you want if you are trying to work out how much space something takes up right now, since the space used by the real folders will be somewhere else, or could have ended up being counted twice if the real folder is also somewhere below the folders you are calculating the sizes of.)
The terms for "junctions" and "softlinks" would be the same as in this menu:
Some more ideas, based on and a chat with a Swedish friend (they are grey; blue is me):
they (MS) do use Vägkorsningar for their Azure specs as well: Planera för distribution av Azure File Sync | Microsoft Learn
So! What should we do about this then?
And i did not use ROADjunction just junctions which is just a place when things meets.
"korsningar" seems fine and used by some people, agreed.
One suggestion was to include the English names in brackets, in case some people are familiar with these things by those names. Like "korsningar (junction)". But that uses more space, so it might not always fit. Up to you really.
I think using the same terms as in the Create Advanced Links menu probably makes sense, unless you want to change those as well.
Do you need help with more than which terms to use, e.g. the meaning of the option, or how to translate it? Or was my description above enough?
Would be nice if someone who's swedish and knows what this function does can tell if he understand what the translation means.
I understood and i think i have made a rather good translation.
Thanks for the help!
Here you can find standard Microsoft vocabulary: