Swap location of 2 files but keep original names in place


We have been using Opus at our company for about 5 years and we really love it. However, one area of the software that I have yet to understand how to utilize is scripting. I can't seem to find the 'front door' to learning scripting actions in Opus. Anyway, currently I could really use a button that would swap the locations of 2 selected files (one in each of 2 listers) keeping the original filenames intact. The solution I have in mind involves first copying the files back and forth between the 2 folders. After that, it would restore the original file names. The files shouldn't need to be opened and the mechanism should work regardless of file type. I don't need it to work on any more than a pair of files at a time. The 2 files will each be selected in separate lister windows (I could avoid having more than 2 listers open if that makes it easier).

I hope that seeing how to do this would give me a foot in the door regarding understanding how to script actions in Opus.

In case it matters, we're using Opus 9.5 x64.

Before swap:
c:\File1.txt contains:
This is file 1

d:\File2.txt contains:
This is file 2

After the swap:
c:\File1.txt contains:
This is file 2

d:\File1.txt contains:
This is file 1

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me with creating such a button.

Jason Proos
QST Consultations, Ltd.

For the swapping of the file names there is a very neat code, described here:
[url]Swap the names of two files]

Sorry, i canĀ“t say much about the rest of your requested button, but that swapping code
might be a good starting point.