Sync status overlay icons in File Explorer but not Opus

As far as I know, there are only 11 overlay icons recognized by Microsoft. So far, I have used two synchronization software to display the overlay icons in File Explorer, only one of the douses appears normal, and the other one does not appear when dopus is restarted

Which sync software is it?

For some, you may need to add them to the list of cloud folders in Preferences for Opus to check their sync status.

How are you counting the number of used overlays?

Windows Explorer shel1 supports up to 15 overlay icons, 4 of which are used by windows itself, and only 11 are extensible
The interior is shown in alphabetical order of icon names.
We navigate to the Registry [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers]
The overlay usage is shown here. I use two cloud synchronization network disk software, WPS and ecloud. The overlay icon can be displayed normally in Explorer. In pause, only ec1oud in the front can be displayed correctly
It is often displayed. Is this a limitation of dopus or a bug

The alphabetical order aspect doesn't apply to Opus. Overlay icons will be allocated as they are used, first come first served.

So if they work sometimes but not others, something else is probably using up the slots first. It may depend which folders you visit before the one in question.

Most things have moved away from the old overlay system as it was so unreliable and limited. Cloud storage has a new API introduced in Windows 7, if I remember correctly, which can indicate sync status and let the file manager show it without using the overlay system. (It may still appear as an overlay, 9r in a separate column, but the way it's done is different.)

Well, there's no good solution for the time being
In addition, I especially like the function of adding shortcut key sequences. I hope that in the next version of dopus' shortcut key sequences, you can refer to the plugin surfingkeys on chrome, which is in dopus
The prompt of shortcut key sequence is displayed in the lower right corner of Lister, or some scripts can be developed to realize this function

I'm not familiar with that Chrome extension or how it works. If you want something added to Opus, please describe it by itself (in a new thread; keep this thread about sync overlay icons).

Getting back to the icons, have you tried adding the folders to Opus's list of cloud storage folders?

Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced [Filesystem]: cloud_sync_paths

Do the Status and Availability columns show anything when in those folders?

Preferences / Folders / Folder Display / Show cloud storage status icons in the Status column

I've tried before, but it's useless after adding. After testing, only onedrive can display a variety of cloud statuses such as synchronized, synchronizing and always retained on this device. In the status attribute column, other synchronized folders only display one status available on this device (a green hook), and the overwrite icon is not displayed on files and folders. Please test whether dopus only supports displaying overlay icons on one synchronization software, which is very important to me

We know Opus supports showing sync status from multiple tools, not just OneDrive. But the tools need to implement the correct API, and their folders may need to be added the Opus config so Opus knows they're cloud folders.